Monday 14 September 2009

Original Brief

I have chosen to create a trailer for my project. I want to achieve a high quality finished product that is the very best that I can create with the equipment and time I am given, my chosen genre is horror. I decided to use this genre due to the number of different possibilities that can be explored during the making of the project. The horror genre has very well rooted codes and conventions which could be used and manipulated. Instead of making a generic horror trailer I’ve chosen to base my trailer around a Survival-Horror film, popular examples of Survival Horror are the Resident Evil film series, George A. Romeo’s various zombie films such as Dawn of the Dead and also Paradise Lost/Turista. Most Horror films do include aspects of survival a clearer definition of what separates Survival Horror from regular Horror would be a film that emphasises the scarcity of weapons or even more importantly the need for protagonist characters to stick together in order to survive usually against remarkable odds.

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