Saturday 3 October 2009

Target Audience

I believe the film that I'm making would be suitable for the BBFC's "15" Classification. Some of the guidelines that my film would have to follow to be classified as "15" would be that as far as the aspect of horror is concerned it would be allowed to contain strong threat and menace would be permitted as long as it was not sexualised or sadistic. Violence to a degree would be allowed as long as they do not dwell on injuries for an extended periods of time, and once again any sexualised or sadistic violence would be not allowed also incredibly gory images would also cause a film to not classify as a "15" rating. Strong language is allowed, very strong language however may only be used when appropriate.Other guidelines prohibit the extreme use of nudity and sex, also a glamorisation of dangerous behaviour such as self-harm or suicide is not allowed.

I think that my film could stick to these rules and remain a "15" rating as most of the horror aspects that I have planned revolve around suspense rather than gore, the fear of the unknown replacing the typical unnecessary modern horror gore. As far as the other categories are concerned the use of strong language maybe appear in the script however I do not plan on over using it. Nudity, dangerous behaviour and sex are not going to be appearing in my trailer.

My target audience would ideally be between 15 and 40. The reason I have chosen quite a broad age for the target audience is that firstly the film would be a "15" classification, also I have experienced that typically the largest percentage of overly gory modern horror are mostly between the ages of 15 and 20. My film however uses more classic forms of horror that an older audience could enjoy also. The demographic that this would appeal to and be marketed to is also quite broad from perhaps a C3 to a B1 due to its content. I chose this large demographic because classic horror films in some form or another appeal to many people in comparison to newer horror release which are normally geared to just teenagers and thus also aimed at a poorer demographic.

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