Tuesday 10 November 2009

Film Magazine Front Cover Subsidery Task - Construction, Final Finished Product & Evaulation

I will now show the construction of my film magazine front cover whilst also explaining & describing the techniques I've used to create the final product.

The colour scheme I selected for my film magazine is designed to be simple. I've used lots of black and white, with the application of dark green for the title of my film. I also included a brightly colour cover line which is in-keeping with content of that feature. “The Blood and Ice-Cream Trilogy” - this gave me the inspiration to colour the text in such a fashion.

The Masthead that I chose is certainly abiding to my simplistic style ideas, it sits in a bold, brilliant white on top of the page. The position of the Masthead is very important, I placed it so that the first few characters of the magazines title could be seen in the left third, this means that the magazine is very easy to identify even before you pick it up. The theory behind this is if you see a magazine and only the left third is visible you can identify it very easily.

I used a Black font with a white outer-glow for the coverlines, still in keeping with my design style. I have left justified the coverlines as they appear on the left side of the page, this not only looks much neater but it allows me to maximise and save some space in the centre of the page. The puff that I used is very simple yet is very competitive sounding, "THE NO.1 FILM MAGAZINE" this is positioned directly underneath the Masthead and is thus one of the first pieces of text that the reader would see upon first looking at the magazine.

My main article image is created from two different photographs,
I took a photograph of one of my actors against a white background, then imported the image into Adobe Photoshop. I used the magic wand tool, feathered eraser and the lasso tool to cut around his outer profile. I then layered this image on top of the background.

I am quite happy with the finished end result. I feel that I've used what I've learnt from my research very well, aspects of font design, positioning and colour selection in relation to the main article image have helped me create a high quality product that I am fairly pleased with. I feel I have fulfilled my original design brief perimeters firstly my main article image is exactly as I outlined in my design brief. My font stands out from the background and is eye catching. I have used the bold/regular/bold/regular effects very well in the bottom section of the front cover and the other coverlines are also very visible. The design of my front cover is mostly based around the "Left-third" idea that I researched. All of these aforementioned aspects of design have been carried out successfully.

To conclude I feel I have a created a magazine front cover that is to a high standard and quality and by sticking to my simple yet effective design brief I have made the most of my research. I feel that the choices that I made throughout have been good ones and I'm very happy with my finished product.

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