Tuesday 10 November 2009

Producing the Film Product

I used a Canon handheld camcorder to capture my raw footage. I used a blocking to plan out my shots in real life at the location. This was to make sure that my storyboard ideas were possible at the filming location.

I used Pinnacle Studio 12 film production software to edit my films raw footage together.
I trimmed down my raw footage and arranged it in the order determined by my storyboard.
Transition effects we applied where necessary, I used fade-transitions that differed in length, the shorter the transition the quicker the fade would be.
I used Pinnacle Studio 12 to insert titles and taglines into the trailer.
My chosen music was then applied to the trailer, I removed the audio from the raw footage and I then applied audio-fades and swells to the music making it louder or quieter when it needed to be. I created a final credit in Adobe Photoshop, this featured the films title, the names of it’s actors and it’s producer.

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