Tuesday 10 November 2009

Film Poster Subsidery Task - Construction, Final Finished Product & Evaluation


I will now show the construction of my film Poster whilst also explaining & describing the techniques I've used to create the final product.

To begin with I wanted to use a simple colour scheme that would connote the depth and feeling of the film. I wanted to use a mostly black and white colour scheme, there are three reasons I chose this. Firstly I found that Black and white can stand out to a greater degree than full colour, the huge contrast between the two colours is responsible for this. Secondly in a world of film posters mostly being in colour this poster design is in the mostly black and white minority, finally I feel that when I use the third and final colour which is a dark green it stands out effectively.

The main Image is a photograph of a local forest, it's of a high angle shot of the forest canopy with the sky showing through. I then took this image and placed it upon a white background. I then applied a visual effect to the image known as the "Torn paper" effect, this breaks the image down to just black and white, but it also finds and sharpens the edges where the two colours meet. The image is placed in the centre towards the top of the page leaving space for the films title, tag-line and credits.

I wanted to use a selection of simple, straight forward fonts; most notably i used "Arial" for the film title and tag-line for specifically that reason. The simple font types fit in with sort of simple theme I had envisioned. The other font that I used on the poster is "Rockwell Condensed", this font is identical or at least very similar to what most professional film posters typically use. I adjusted the character spacing of the font to bring the characters closer together, this allows me to include more details in a smaller space.


Am I happy with the end result? - I'm very happy with the end result, I feel I have created a high quality product. It's simple yet I feel it is attention grabbing and bold, this is an essential requirement. If I were to repeat the task I don't think I'd change many things at all, however I could perhaps try to experiment with different shot types when capturing my main photograph, perhaps a longer distance shot for instance as this could give a larger view of the forest and i could experiment with lighting techniques (such as how the designer of the "Blair Witch Project"'s poster did with using high angle lighting and black and white photography). I feel that I have fulfilled my original design brief perimeters that I set myself to work within. My poster is bold & simple with a simple colour scheme using mostly dark colours and A centralised main image with the Title & Tag-line underneath it.

To conclude, I believe this project has been carried out to the best of my abilities whilst adhering to the requirements that I had laid out in my design brief and created a final product that is attractive and eye catching thus making it a potentially successful film poster in the real world.

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